Focus on These 6 Rituals for a Healthy Marriage

The Rituals of a Healthy Marriage - Part 1 - Love by Marcos Proenca from 500px
The Rituals of a Healthy Marriage – Part 1 – Love by Marcos Proenca from 500px

When I started this blog, I listed the priorities I wanted to guide the posts and content moving forward.  3rd on the list was marriage.

It occurred to me after a very meaningful sermon in church last Sunday that I have not made a post specifically devoted to this topic yet and that it was time to do so.

If you can, I recommend you take the time to watch this message, entitled, “The Rituals of a Healthy Marriage”, which was based on Philippians 2:2-5. (note I originally had a link to this teaching but I’m not currently finding that link, you can try to find it).

I’m going to use the 6 rituals mentioned in the message as the basis for this post and add my own two cents on each ritual.
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